against an indigenous anarchist theory
€1.93 + verzendkosten
Ours is a radical incoherence.
originally published in Black Seed: Not on Any Map, Unknowable discusses the notion of an Indigenous Anarchism. Klee's poetic writing inspires a certain un-awareness of civilization's piercing gaze that seeks to analyze everything to death, making the case for resisting it while perhaps making limited use of its concepts and ideas to build bridges between worlds.
- taal: engels
- formaat: A4
- pagina's: 75
- vellen: 75
- standaard: UEB
- lettergrootte: UK Braille
- formaat: A4
- pagina's: 50
- vellen: 13
- lettertype: EB Garamond
- lettergrootte: 18pt
- formaat: A5
- pagina's: 56
- vellen: 14
- lettertype: EB Garamond
- lettergrootte: 12pt